Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 8087 Players | 3 Online )

ProtoMan is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 2,725,750 and a zenny total of 12,730. ProtoMan created his account on January 19th, 2014 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 32 robot masters, learned 73 special abilities, found 20 different inventory items, and collected 27 elemental stars. ProtoMan's favourite robot masters are Proto Man and Bass and his top five most-used robot masters are Proto Man, Bass, Mega Man, Roll, and Gemini Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, ProtoMan had amassed a grand total of 23,463,433 battle points and reached 138th place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, ProtoMan had amassed a grand total of 11,692,110 battle points and reached 301st place.

Community Forum Stats
  • 4 Threads
  • 33 Posts
  • +64 Rating

ProtoMan's Leaderboard

I've been a MegaMan fan for almost six years. Ever since my uncle introduced me to my first MegaMan game, MegaMan II. Ever since then I have been hooked. I have done extensive research about nearly every MegaMan character and I know quite a lot about the series despite playing it for only five years. I have played all of the MegaMan classic games including the arcade games and the NeoGeo Pocket Color version of the Arcade Games, however I have only beaten a few. I have beaten MegaMan I,MegaMan II, MegaMan III, MegaMan V, and MM10, and both of the MegaMan arcade games. My favorite character is ProtoMan, I felt an emotional connection as at the time our personalities and habits were relatively the same. My favorite MegaMan game would be hard to say, since every MegaMan game has its own certain quality that is excellent. Well, except MegaMan 8. I despise MegaMan 8, and will despise it for all of eternity. I have also played MegaMan-8bit Deathmatch along with my friend, CHAOS_FANTAZY. I have also participated within mods of the MegaMan-8bit Deathmatch community, although as an intuitive mind, offering balance suggestions and creative ideas, and a very active tester. I also make music remakes of MegaMan OST, I'm currently learning how to use FL Studio. You can find my channel on YouTube by searching TheKingProto.
MMRPG Prototype v3.8.25 by Ageman20XX | Mega Man Trademarks & Characters © Capcom 1986 - 2024
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