Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

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Even as Mega Man and his mechanical compatriots struggle to escape the Prototype and defeat the mysterious Slur, life goes on. Between battles, the Robot Masters and Mistresses can always find an unused field lying about to shoot the breeze and have a few E-Tanks.

Necessary Requirement
>You must have read this entire story to post, or at least the saga. This is for the best storytelling and no plotholes.
>Please don't god-mod your characters! Make it sensible! The only cases of extreme power we've seen so far has been shown by Enker and similar characters, but even then I try to fit their power with, for example, the Stardroids from Gigamix. Quite powerful robots, but they're not gods in any sense.
>Try to make a sensible story-line! This is important because if your story-telling skills aren't so good, you drag the whole thing down, and as creator, I reserve the right to change or modify your post if it doesn't mean standards.

Disclaimer: Slight language is used here. If you do not tolerate even the slightest signs of language, this thread is not for you.

Try to use your align-rights and align-lefts, it makes the dialogue seem more in-game.

Rules about Language!
-Your F-Bombs, A-words, your B-insults, Racial insults and anything sexual is NOT allowed here.
-Dam%, Hel%, and those minor curses are allowed, but put a disclaimer at the top of your comment.
-Try not to put anything about religion in this. Some users could be offended, so replace your "Oh My ___" with "Oh My Tesla/Wily/Light/Edison". You get what I mean.(Plus, having something like that would take the reader out of the experience.
-If you do happen to curse badly or break any of these rules, I will personally edit your comment to make it safer and give you a warning that you can't say that. This is a family-friendly website, let's try to keep it that way.

Hello, fellow Role-Players, I have a thread for our little group! As you can read on a little unrelated thread, we've been following the adventures of our heroes against the perilous bomb group, who don't realize Bombs are NOT toys! How will this story conclude? And what further adventures do you have for our heroes? I don't know, it's up to you! The Community stars in our Role-Playing Thread! Have fun and pretend you're fighting as your childhood hero or your own hero! Or maybe the villain?

dr-wilyI get the main role because I'm the best! Bow to Lord Wily!

flash-manI know you're my creator and all, but your bark doesn't exactly match your bite....

Adventure Log
After each "saga", I will write a little summary of the adventures had! I will only write it down when the Community decides a certain story is done.

How to Bomb the First Adventure: The Bomb party is going downtown, but one problem! The explosive-cores have no idea how dangerous their weapons are, so it's up to the First line as well as two other new heroes to save Mega City! However, twists are around the corner....

Reseved List
These are characters that can only be used by the user mentioned next to them. You cannot use them, unless otherwise said. You can make a request for characters though.

Top Man, Liquid Spinstrike, Air Man, Wood Man, Crystal Man, Disco, Needle Man~Spinstrike
Skull Man, Dust Man, Drill Man and Alt, Ballade, Ring Man~TheDoc
Bt Man, Sergeant Man, Ninja Man-Bt Man

Important rules about reserving!

You can reserve 5 single characters at a time.
Reserving Mechas are fine, because having more than one really doesn't do anything either way.
When you reserve a character, it is allowed for other players to PM you for if they could "borrow" that character. It is your decision to allow it or not.
Characters like Mega Man, Proto Man(especially), Bass, and the Doctors cannot be reserved. Villains cannot be reserved either
Try not to overdo it with the fan-characters, it sorta limits the story and the ones we have now are fine. And definitely no Mary Sues!(IE A perfect fan-character.)
Please be a good writer!
Don't just reserve characters because you like them! If you're reserving them, it should be for a story-reason, not because you wanted a certain character!

Notes: No posting until the RP is finished!

Ban List
Mega Man(For Now)
Alt characters(For Now){Liquid Top Man/Spinstrike, TailsMK4 and Drill Man are excused.}
Bass(For Now)
God-mod Characters(They're generally dis-interesting. Characters with flaws are much better, anyway)

Banned Events
You cannot reveal who the Master is.
You cannot end a season by yourself.[Side-note, get those stories finished people!]
Please, please do not add random events into the story. This is not a general RP thread, this has a story. Please do that on your own RP threads, this is not the only RP thread. Please read up on the story, or at least saga.
Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!)
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm
Viewed 10689 Times
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2014 at 4:36pm
Posted 2014/11/14 at 4:36pm
Part 1/2

ballade Stop right there!
pharaoh-manballade                              metpierrobotfan-fiendspin-fiendtellybattoncrazy-cannon

pharaoh-man You can't fight these guys without risking a core overheat or worse, Ballade. I'll handle them-
ballade You can't. There's so much crossfire even a RM would be destroyed if he got involved. That's probably why this situation was abandoned rather than pacified. I'm just wondering how these mechas haven't been reduced to rubble yet...
pharaoh-man How are we going to sate this then? I could try and pick them off with Pharaoh Shots, but that would take awhile.
ballade.....I have an idea.
Ballade takes out a cracker and puts it in his core, where it begins charging. However, unlike last time, the interior of the charging chamber is red with heat...
pharaoh-man Ballade, you're going to make yourself explode!
ballade I would gladly put my life on the line for my master's home! What would you do if Cossack's lab was under fire like this? *sigh* Still, I can't blame you. You should get away from here in case-
pharaoh-man I'm not gonna leave you like that.
Ballade frowned.
ballade Even I'm starting to wonder: why do you trust me so much? Why do you think I'll help you? My master is the most notorious robotics specialist on Earth, but yet you'd risk your life just to stay by my side?
Pharaoh Man sighed.
pharaoh-man It was a sort of prophecy I read, about foes becoming friends and friends becoming foes. I can't help but feel that you're one of them. I still don't think core-charging that cracker is a good idea...
Right on cue, Ballade falls to the floor and grabs his chest.
ballade URRRGH. *pants for breath* I-it's done.
pharaoh-man You idiot!
Ballade lays supine and weakly points to his chest.
ballade Take it out for me.
Pharaoh Man gingerly removes the violently glowing cracker with a look of awe and concern.
ballade're gonna have to throw it.
pharaoh-man What!?
ballade Come on, it's *pants for breath* it's just like your Pharaoh Shot!
pharaoh-man This is NOTHING like the Pharaoh Shot! With Pharaoh Shots, I just direct the accumulated energy with my finger. It's literally just point-and-shoot pharaoh-man. This is way different!
ballade Well, you're going to have to throw it if you don't want it to blow up in your hand! *pants for breath* So pull up your frilly stockings and THROW IT! *cough cough* My mouth feels like it's on fire...
pharaoh-man *nods* You're right. Okay....1....2....3!
pharaoh-manballade                  proto-strike            metpierrobotfan-fiendspin-fiendtellybattoncrazy-cannon
^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2014 at 4:49pm Edited on 2014/11/16 at 2:44pm
Posted 2014/11/14 at 4:49pm Edited 2014/11/16 at 2:44pm
Part 2/2

Pharaoh Man opened his eyes to see that the lab was more damaged by the explosion that he'd thought it would be. It must've been because of the damage that the mechas had done to the lab prior, and the explosion had been the breaking point. It now looked like a completely abandoned lab: no working machines, occasional sparks, and dead silence besides the sizzling of machinery. Pharaoh Man looked around to see that he was slouched against the wall and his back ached. Must've flown against the wall or something. As he scanned his surroundings, he spotted a yellow point sticking out of a pile of scrap metal in the corner.
pharaoh-man Ballade!
Pharaoh Man pulled the unconscious Ballade out of the heap. His core was still red-hot but surprisingly unchanged in temperature. His life was still in danger, though...
pharaoh-man We need find a core cryofreezer fast! But...
Pharaoh Man looks around the devastated lab and shook his head.
pharaoh-man Everything's gone...What do I do?
robot WHO DISTURBS MY SLUM-y'know what, forget it, who's the troublemaker here?....Pharaoh? Hey buddy, how ya been!?
Pharaoh Man looks up to see an all-too-familiar face
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2014 at 1:41pm Edited on 2014/11/16 at 2:03pm
Posted 2014/11/16 at 1:41pm Edited 2014/11/16 at 2:03pm

dr-cossackNow that the Light robots have left, should we discuss your pay?
wave-manAlright, that'll be....1,000,000 zenny.
dr-cossackOne...One million! You do realize I have to put Kalinka through college as well, correct?!
hornet-manDoctor, I assure you, the pay is reasonable for our services. In fact, it was quite difficult after we lost Cement Man, who mysteriously disappeared. It was luck we found him.
concrete-manAll cause of them SOAKSTGR! Screwing up the plans, I say! Better question be where's Napalm Man?
wave-manHush up, you two! Now, Cossack, I DEMAND the pay. Or else we're going to show you what we do to people who don't pay.


robotHey Skull Man! DROPKICK!!turbo-man
turbo-manWait, he isn't here.
wave-manYou! Ruining my mission at the Waterfall, and beating up Cement Man wasn't enough, eh?!
concrete-manTHEM FELLOWS!
hornet-manBack to finish it, eh? We won't let you!
snake-manhard-manJust try us!
gravity-manNapalm Man, my fanboy rival! Wait....Aw, he's not here.
shadow-manCould someone explain what's going on here??
turbo-manSimple. They're our competition.
wave-manDitto, except competition is used more loosely.
turbo-manNough talk! Put the zenny where your mouth is-...Errr do you have a mouth?

*Both teams go scrambling off in comedic fashion.

dr-cossackBless you.

dr-wilyThank you. By the way, can I live here for a bit? My castle is experiencing....Never mind.
dr-cossackWhat? No!
dr-wilyIt’ll be like old times!
dr-cossackYeah, when you kidnapped my daughter!
shadow-manI assure you, Dr. Cossack, Wily is a “changed” man.
dr-cossackWe’ll see about that...Fine, but you’re going to have to be monitored.
dr-wilyThanks! Hey Mikhail, while I’m here, we can renovate! Your Citadel needs a BIT more spikes!
dr-cossackAlbert, you’re going past my limit….
dr-wilyRight, right...Wouldn’t hurt, you know?
dr-cossackWe’ll discuss it later. Shadow Man, could you check on the two teams? Team WCH(Wave Concrete Hornet) and “SOAKSTGR”, if I recall?
shadow-manLeast I could do.
pyre-flydr-wilydr-cossack                    shadow-man

^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2014 at 8:12pm Edited on 2014/12/10 at 2:25pm
Posted 2014/11/16 at 8:12pm Edited 2014/12/10 at 2:25pm
Part 1/3

pharaoh-man Y-you! H-how...?
robot It's great to see you, too, buddy! Although, if it WAS you who blew up my lab...
balladepharaoh-man                                        ring-man

Cue theme I'd advise to set the Start/Stop to 0:00 and 2:00
ring-man ...well, I just don't want to get off on the wrong foot.
pharaoh-man I thought you were at Cossack's lab...
ring-man Well obviously you thought wrong. Now di-...hel-lo. Who do we have here?
Ring Man notices the unevenly-breathing robot that Pharaoh Man is standing over.
ring-man ...Ballade? Was it him who blew up my lab? It obviously must've been; he has those....Ballade Chips? Ballade Triscuits?...Ballade...uh....Waffles?
pharaoh-man Ballade Cra-
ring-man Nonono, shush shush I got this.....Hmmmmm....Ballade Pretzels....Ballade Cheese & Cracke-CRACKERS! Ballade Crackers! Tell me I'm right!
Ring Man gives a gleeful look at Pharaoh Man, to which Pharaoh Man slowly nods.
ring-man YES! Ah, I feel so accomplished! Now, if you would kindly just, uh, move over there or something.
Ring Man shoos away as a ring with blades materializes in his hand.
Ring Man raises an eyebrow and starts twirling the ring on his finger.
ring-man*chuckles softly*.....Excuse me? Not only is he programmed to kill Mega Man, which is MY job, but he blew up my lab! And you're defending him?
Ring Man puts a bit of irritation in his last sentence, and Pharaoh Man grows apprehensive, clenching his fist.
pharaoh-man Wait a second. YOUR lab? This isn't even your master's lab. let alone yours.
ring-man DO NOT call him my master in front of me.
Pharaoh Man remembered that Ring Man was easy to stall if you hit the right notes, but stalling wasn't what Pharaoh Man was aiming for. What was Ring Man up to?
pharaoh-man....Sorry. What are you doing here? Why are calling this your lab?
Ring Man dissolved his ring (which was a good sign that he forgot about Ballade) and held out his hands, looking around the lab.
ring-man I don't see anyone else who could POSSIBLY claim this lab, do you? Hehehehe.
Pharaoh Man scowled.
pharaoh-man YOU caused the mechas to go berserk?
Ring Man laughed.
ring-man Oh, man, I absolutely LOVE your face when you "figure things out". Anyways, the mechas may have been damaging part of the lab, but I wasn't interested in what they were destroying. You see, I needed some...repairs. You will not BELIEVE how painful it is when your core gets wrecked. Then again, I've experienced worse...You remember.
Ring Man gave a bitter look. Pharaoh Man looked away. Then, Ring Man brightened.
ring-man But that's all in the past. If it wasn't for this injury, I wouldn't have sought out this lab and wouldn't have found something VERY interesting. Did you know that Wily keeps parts of his past contraptions?
pharaoh-man *warily looks at Ring Man*....What will you do now?
ring-man Find and destroy Mega Man, of course! Although, I was in the middle of doing just now when-....
Ring Man blankly stared at the floor, then looked at Pharaoh Man angrily.
ring-man You were stalling me! You know how much I HATE that! I'm going to kill this filthy robot, and if you stand in my way...Well, you won't stand in the way for long.
pharaoh-man You're going to fight me? pharaoh-manpharaoh-shot Are you sure that's smart?
ring-man You overestimate the power of weaknesses, Pharaoh. You won't win.
^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2014 at 8:14pm
Posted 2014/11/16 at 8:14pm
Part 2/3

Pharaoh Man shot his Pharaoh Shot at Ring Man, but Ring Man shot out a chain of rings and whipped the Pharaoh Shot back at Pharaoh Man, which exploded into him. The Pharaoh Shot itself had no effect on Pharaoh Man, but the light from the explosion in his face did...
pharaoh-man AAAHH! Just like Flash Stopper or Bright Burst to be politically correct on an MMRPG forum!
Pharaoh Man held up his hands, and Ring Man took the advantage. He shot two rings horizontally at his wrists, and as soon as the rings touched, the back ends of the ring broke off and turns into crescents cupping his wrists like horseshoes. Pharaoh Man went flying into the wall wrists first, and the rings impaled themselves into the wall on contact, leaving Pharaoh Man dangling by his wrists.
pharaoh-man How did you....Grrrr you MONSTER!
ring-man Yea, I get that a lot. But hey, at least I didn't kill you.
Ring Man materializes a bladed ring in his hand again.
pharaoh-man Leave him alone!
ring-man Why do you even care for this guy? HE'S A WILY BOT.
pharaoh-man He's fighting for the same thing that I am. Are you even aware of the brainwashing that's happening?
Ring Man gave Pharaoh Man a smug look. Suddenly Pharaoh Man felt a knot in his stomach.
pharaoh-man What are you hiding?
Ring Man laughed again.
ring-man It's just SO EASY to set you off, it's hilarious! But anyways, you're just too trusting, Pharaoh Man. You have NO proof that this guy has the same goal as you. Similar goals, MAYbe, but most likely he doesn't. Why do I know that?
Ring Man looked at Pharaoh Man and raised his eyebrows, showing that this wasn't a rhetorical question.
pharaoh-man I don't care.
ring-man I know this because that's who you are: co-dependent. So many people think that you're tough stuff, that you're the strong and silent type, but I know better. Over the years, you've grown so clingy you HAVE to rely on someone, and this "alliance", no doubt it was spur-of-the-moment, is just your next mistake. Even the fact that you keep referring to Cossack as "master" is because you're so recklessly dependent on others. Don't try to convince me that this is any different; I'm doing you a FAVOR by killing him. Now, if we're done-
As Ring Man walked over to Ballade, Pharaoh Man looked down. Pharaoh Man knew Ring Man didn't truly care; he just wanted to do what he saw fit. Even so, even though it was just Ring Man, every word struck a nerve, and Pharaoh Man, completely shocked by how close-to-home Ring Man hit, was speechless.
ring-man It's so easy to get into people's minds once you know enough.
Pharaoh Man looked up. Ring Man was standing over Ballade's body, looking at Pharaoh Man with a menacing joy.
ring-man They all call me a psychopath, pretending that I'm the enemy here, but they don't take even a glance at themselves. Everyone has a flaw that they hate, something about them that they just keep trying to run from, but instead of accepting it, they put on masks and point the finger at everyone else, condemning others for their own flaws. Why? Because it helps them forget their own.
Ring Man held out his hands.
ring-man Me? I've accepted who I am, the fact that I have rings for weapons, the fact that I can get off-topic really easily, and the fact that I was made for a purpose that no else understands. But I can't change it; I don't WANT to change it. It's who I am, and that's that. I was made to kill Mega Man, and I'm not going to rest until it's done.
*music stops*
Just then, an explosion blows the ceiling open, sending debris and dust everywhere. As a large chunk of debris came falling towards Ring Man and Ballade, Ring Man jumped away and Pharaoh flicked a small Pharaoh Shot at the debris, breaking it up into harmless bits.
Ring Man looked up angrily.
ring-man Am I never going to get to kill this purple freak!?
robot Who you callin' a purple freak?
A voice called out from the hole in the ceiling, and a tank dropped into the lab.
^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2014 at 8:17pm Edited on 2015/01/22 at 10:50pm
Posted 2014/11/16 at 8:17pm Edited 2015/01/22 at 10:50pm
Part 3/3

ring-man What do you want?
napalm-man Well, I can see we're off to a great start here. I saw my master's lab explode and wanted come give a compliment to whoever made that explosion. Seriously, that was AWEsome....What are you doing here?
ring-man Taking care of the guy who blew up the lab. Nothing to see here, so-
napalm-man Wait a second, is that Ballade?
Napalm Man eyed Ring Man.
napalm-man What ARE you doing here, boy?
Ring Man returned the glare.
ring-man What'd you call me?
napalm-man Boy. Step aside or pay the price.
Ring Man hurled his bladed ring at Napalm Man.
napalm-man Hmph.
Napalm Man roundhouse kicked the ring into one of Pharaoh Man's cuffs, breaking it and leaving him dangling from one hand. Pharaoh Man started working on the other one. Ring Man wasn't focused on Pharaoh Man, though.
ring-man *snarls* You arrogant-
napalm-man Funny how you define "arrogant" as someone who can deflect your pathetic excuse of an attack. You may have been created to kill Mega Man, but I come from the military. On the battlefield, it's kill or be killed, so let's see if you've got what it takes to match me. If not, you're just another casualty.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 17th, 2014 at 9:28pm Edited on 2014/11/17 at 9:40pm
Posted 2014/11/17 at 9:28pm Edited 2014/11/17 at 9:40pm
enkerAh, what's this? It seems one of my scouts have finally found you, brother...
dr-lightHmm? Is that what you've been doing this whole time? Simply having your mechas look for your objective? You truly are a Wily-bot! Ha!
enkerDon’t try anything, puny doctor. You couldn't, if you wanted to!

*Enker teleports away....

Last time...

quintNo one's at Light Labs? Interesting...*Teleports away*

quintballade            bright-manplug-man            pharaoh-shotpharaoh-mandust-man

Present time...A visitor appears at Light Labs....

quintHello there, Light Labs! Time to steal your equipment to rekindle Wily's trust in me!

*Auto passes out, and the all the other robot masters there notice him....

dark-man-1Oh, there's Quint! How's it going?
fire-manDark Man, hold back! This guy could crush you with his pinky if he could!

*Cut Man, Bomb Man, and Ice Man pop in.


ice-manHellooo ther-AW BAD TIME!

elec-manFirsts, Oil and Time may not be here, but we can still hold our own!
quintRelax, I’m not here to fight, just to steal-I mean check if anyone’s here.
guts-manWe’re not stupid, you Mega-ripoff! You can't handle all 7 of us!
dark-man-16, of us. I won't betray a fellow Wily bot.

quintLanguage, you brainless piece of muscle.
quintWait...Shut up with your infernal comments...No..He’s-
enkerHere? Why yes, he is.
quintI’ll never forgive you for just letting us be controlled like that...Like puppets! That was the worst feeling, that knowledge, that understanding…
enkerLucky you, you never had the burden of keeping you bunch under control...I would’ve trashed you and Ballade when I had the chance. Too bad you're my brothers.
quintHeh...Didn’t the Master put me and you on even terms of strength? I won’t go peacefully, and the Light bots will back me up!
enkerWhich ones? *Enker flings away all the Firsts with a release of energy, and forces their bodies down with a form of psychosis.

bomb-manI can’t-...I can’t move!
quintThe Master never gave us that power! How did you?
enkerWhile you were laying on your behind, I was accumulating more power! Come, and battle me Quint! Show me you deserve the name “Mega Man Killer”!


quintMy Sakugarne! It didn’t even pierce his defenses!
enkerNow, it’s my turn!


quintHow is this even possible? I can’t even summon Sakugarne anymore….
enkerI’ll make you a compromise, Quint. Come with me and I won’t hurt any of these Light bots. Don’t, and I’ll show you how cruel I can be!
quintWait! While I hate the Light bots….It’s better for me to just go.
*Enker creates two Ring Boomerangs to wrap Quint, so he doesn't escape.
enkerPerfect. Now, we’ll simply wait for Ballade to come….

*They both teleport out, to Enker’s undisclosed hiding place*
[OOC:The one where he keeps Dr. Light]

cut-manI never knew a robot could be that powerful….We’ve really got ourselves in a doozie.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on November 17th, 2014 at 9:51pm
Posted 2014/11/17 at 9:51pm
mega-man_shadow How's it going in he- WOAH! What happened!?
cut-man Enker happened...
mega-man_shadow (Thinking?) If Enker's THAT strong... We will need more help with the master than I thought... (Stops doing whatever would be thinking for robot like these) Listen. I think we can get some help.
bass_swift What's taking so long?
proto-man_missile Patience, Ninja Man. Who knows what could happen...
^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 18th, 2014 at 2:45pm
Posted 2014/11/18 at 2:45pm
@MegaTaosenaiStorm : "You must have read this entire story to post, or at least the saga. This is for the best storytelling and no plotholes." - MegaBossMan

Your post doesn't make sense in the story. 1.) Ice Man is elsewhere. 2.) Storm (I think that's his name?) hasn't been introduced yet. 3.) You haven't clarified why they're fighting.

You don't have to fix #2 & #3 right now if you end up explaining later, but #1 still stands; you're contradicting the story.
^ Top
14,002,205 BP
10 TP | 622 PP
Posted on November 18th, 2014 at 3:16pm
Posted 2014/11/18 at 3:16pm
Yeah i got some more story now if you but i will to remake the texts down bellow
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 18th, 2014 at 3:21pm Edited on 2014/11/18 at 3:29pm
Posted 2014/11/18 at 3:21pm Edited 2014/11/18 at 3:29pm
@MegaTaosenaiStorm : This still doesn't solve anything. This has nothing to do with the story currently presented. I would ask that if you want to make a new story, please create a new RP thread instead of putting it here, unless it has to do with the story currently being done.

EDIT: In fact, didn't you make a thread for your story already? Why didn't you use that?
^ Top
14,002,205 BP
10 TP | 622 PP
Posted on November 18th, 2014 at 3:30pm
Posted 2014/11/18 at 3:30pm
oh i rember Awakeing of Alpha thanks for remaidng me Boss i just need to edit some parts in the story and then i will get a normal role play thread
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 18th, 2014 at 3:49pm Edited on 2014/11/18 at 4:33pm
Posted 2014/11/18 at 3:49pm Edited 2014/11/18 at 4:33pm
toad-man    knight-mantop-mangyro-man        buster-shot top-man_alt

gyro-manGot ‘im!

needle-manNo! Our leader's defenses have been pierced!
discoSeriously, Needle? Enough with the puns already.
needle-manSorry, I didn't get the point of this situation.
air-manAnd yet, you continue with an even worse, more forced pun.
crystal-manEnough with the chit-chat, I can predict this is going to go bad! Get outta here!
discoI'd say I don't want to do it, but....I do.
*All members of Tophound teleport out, save for Liquid Spinstrike*

top-manHa, not too shabby! That guy was a piece of cake!
star-manThat reminds me...We completely forgot about the Light bots and how they need help! Magnet, follow me!
*Magnet Man and Star Man teleport to the destroyed Light Labs, where Enker recently just fought Quint...*
blizzard-manThat was easier than alpine skiing down a sidewalk! Well, World's Strongest Robots*, I think we've spent enough time with Wily bots.
*The line from Mega Man 6, who now protect their respective countries.
flame-manI'd say so.
yamato-manHai, watashi wa anata ni dōi shitai. Nihon e ofu!(Yes, I'd agree with you. Off to Japan!)
wind-manXie xie! I believe the great country of China needs me to raise the skies once again!(Thanks)
knight-manI shall return to my mother country momentarily, but allow myself a moment of rest.
*The World's strongest teleport out, except for Knight Man*
charge-manI charged right through that one!
bubble-manLike blowing bubbles!
toad-manIt was a game of leapfrog. I'm leaving to Rainy Sewers now though, so I'll be seeing you. *Teleports out
gyro-manThat was easy....TOO easy....
rollTop Man, help me pick him up. We're going to question him, see what's his backstory...
top-manI'd be happy too, Roll!
gyro-man    knight-manbubble-mancharge-man         top-mantop-man_altroll

top-man_altSo foolish! I can't believe Father thought you his favorite!
top-manOof! Can you stop-OW!- with all that reve-GAH!-nge stuff?!
rollThis is no way to treat a lady, especially someone as lovely as me!-OW!
top-man_altSilence, cowards! I only meant to grab my "brother", but two for the price of one is never a bad deal! As for you, remaining fellows...Pursue and combat me, IF you can find where I'm going!
gyro-manWe need to save them! Come on!
*Bubble Man teleports out*
charge-manYeah, I've been a bit too side-tracked with this...Hey, might as well charge right out of here!
charge-man            gyro-man    knight-man

knight-manDo not enter sorrow, for I, the Knight of Knights, have decided to accompany you on your journey!
gyro-manIs this it?

Assuming that's it, is simply....illogical.
time-manIsn't that right, Oil Man and Jewel Man?
oil-manYeah, you ain't too slick if you think we won't help.
jewel-manEven someone like me, someone as rough as diamonds!
gyro-manHeh, I thought you guys were taken out in the fight! I guess I was wrong! Let's head, to save Top Man and Roll!

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14,002,205 BP
10 TP | 622 PP
Posted on November 19th, 2014 at 9:07am
Posted 2014/11/19 at 9:07am
@MegaBossMan : well Boss i remade Awakenig of ALpha now is Difrent now i will create an a next scene in a next weak probaly or an a story
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79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2014 at 9:27pm Edited on 2014/11/20 at 9:29pm
Posted 2014/11/20 at 9:27pm Edited 2014/11/20 at 9:29pm

dr-wilySo, Mikhail....Where are your Robot Masters?
dr-cossackLike you Albert, I have decided to set my Robot Masters free to do as they choose.
dr-wilySo, where's my favorite, Skull Man? After all, I designed him, fit to my motif at the time.
dr-cossackMost likely, fighting on our side. He's incredibly powered-up by the Evil Energy that I gave him, of course.
dr-wilyCareful, Mikhail, that stuff's pretty hard to control, I should know-WAAAIT! Where did you get Evil Energy?! I thought only Thomas and I had access to that demonic energy!
dr-cossackYes, but do you remember Duo? He sensed potential in me for something, and that I could do something good with something so bad. He specifically told me "When the time comes..."
dr-wilyHe predicted this straight from the start! I have to give him props, his knowledge has proved invaluable in this time of need....
dr-cossackI keep a load of it in the basement, but I can't use it as of now. If I were to unlock it, the explosion could practically be 10x as strong as Hiroshima...
dr-wily......Ah-ha! Mikhail, have you heard of Starforce?
dr-cossackCan't say I have, Albert.
dr-wilyI recently found out that Evil Energy is actually a base form of this “Starforce”. Starforce, by the way, is much like Evil Energy, but is more condensed, making it more powerful and mobile, and controllable as well. However, like how Evil Energy corrupts a “soul”, Starforce will do much more worse results if kept for too long….It will literally destroy your soul, making you a shell of a man, or robot, in our case. The only way those infernal Stardroids can keep it in is due to that “Master”, of theirs…
dr-cossackYou make a good point Albert, but I’m afraid I don’t know how to make it…
dr-wilyBut I do! I managed to create it from scratch, albeit less powerful, from just data from some “Boss Man” robot. True, it only worked on Bass and others with similar design, but imagine what WE could do with the right ingredients….
dr-cossackNormally, I wouldn’t trust you, Albert…..But desperate times call for desperate measures. Know that if you betray me, I will exact revenge. I wouldn’t believe you foolish enough, however, in the present situation the world is in….Alright, follow me!
dr-wilyYippe! I normally don’t work with you, Mikhail! I hope you satisfy my expectations! I’ll send a message to Shadow Man, so that he could act as our first line as defense...If anything were to happen.
dr-cossackLikewise, I believe I can convince TSOAGRK(Wave Man’s group) and SOAKSTGR to set aside their feuds to help out as well…

*Meanwhile, in the lower level….*


wave-manYou! You’re only winning because you have twice as many members as us! If Napalm was here….
concrete-manFools, barging on me turf! Why I outta show you what we call me backs home!
hornet-manExcuse him, his voice chip is broken….
shadow-manHuh? Dr. Wily just sent me a message for all of us to work together to protect this place. He says Cossack will pay you three over there, an extra million.
wave-manMe? With them? Never! I have my pride! Everyone, roll out! We’ll collect our pay later!

*They all teleport out…

crash-manWhatever, let’s go up there.
turbo-manWhen I say so, Crash Man……..Ok, let’s head off.

Near the Citadel….A powerful robot heads this way….
robotI can’t wait to trash Cossack’s place! My lords will surely be pleased with me, after losing them…Perhaps I can even find some Starforce for Lord Punk!
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45,364,749 BP
39 TP | 706 PP
Posted on November 21st, 2014 at 7:16am
Posted 2014/11/21 at 7:16am
Hey Could You Teach Me The Commands I Need For This Roleplay Because I Wanna Join
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12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 21st, 2014 at 9:18am
Posted 2014/11/21 at 9:18am
@MegaBoyX7 : In the lower right corner of the comment box there's a dropdown menu of formatting instructions. Use that to teach and refresh yourself on the formatting syntax.

Also, just as a reminder, please take into account the rules and reservations that MBM has put into place in the title post. This is a community-wide RP thread, but it's important to respect other people and their stories so far.
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45,364,749 BP
39 TP | 706 PP
Posted on November 21st, 2014 at 10:18am
Posted 2014/11/21 at 10:18am

@TheDoc :I know about that but how do you place charecter sprites onto the foreground?
^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 21st, 2014 at 12:47pm
Posted 2014/11/21 at 12:47pm
@MegaBoyX7 : If you read the dropdown menu, you'd see for yourself how to create the background and foreground. Adding characters is as simple as putting a character sprite (also shown in the formatting options) in between the
of your choice
^ Top
45,364,749 BP
39 TP | 706 PP
Posted on November 21st, 2014 at 12:58pm
Posted 2014/11/21 at 12:58pm
Yes Theres One More Thing How Do I Color My Charecters???? They Dont Explain That In The Format Menu

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