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I've updated all the fusion field missions in the main game to contains more robots than the standard two that have been the stage since the beginning. Fusion stage missions will now start with two robots, but will be padded out by addition Met robots based on your current number of completed missions (up to a predefined maximum). This will give players a bit more breathing room during battle while the master robots wait on the bench, and more importantly allow for some easy experience mid-battle. After completing the main game, a sort of "hard mode" is unlocked where all the Mets are replaced with other robot masters matching the stage's type attributes. Additionally, the target robot order is randomized in this mode making the strategies for defeating them different every time. I've been wanting to add these features for a while, but I kept getting sidetracked with other assets of the game. I'm glad I finally pushed 'em out, though, and I hope you guys enjoy the change! :D
Mission Updates : More Robots for Fusion Fields!
Posted by Ageman20XX on April 21st, 2013 at 9:09pm
Viewed 697 Times

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